Monday, June 21, 2010

taylor says....

Taylor and Jocelyn's friend, Bella Janssen, spent the day having some very serious play time....and I do mean serious. Bella's mama, Sara, and I laughed numerous times and how 'into' their games they were. They even forgot to be hungry at supper time! But Kristyn must have been concerned for them and continued to go to the door and yell, "come and eat!" So finally they came in and asked if they could eat in their "house". When I went to help Jocelyn get up on the fort (barely enough room) I put her back to the big blue rubbermaid container lid that was leaning against one side of the fort. Taylor immediately said, "No, now we can't see the flatscreen tv (aka rubbermaid lid)!"
Watching our kiddos imagine, create, and act our "life" in their own little heads is a fabulous way to spend and afternoon!

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