Monday, December 04, 2006

A brisk day in Nederland

Our first stop was the best pizza shop in Boulder County (at least thats what we think). Poor Jocey doesn't know what shes missing, she still thinks Momma makes the best "food" around.
Taylor and Kris really know how to dig in. When you come visit us just ask for pizza and we'll take you here!
Then it was off for a walk in the woods. Taylor threw his first snowball and enjoyed every minute of our adventure.
Mom and Dad could hardly keep up with him!
Jocey just enjoyed being cuddle the whole time. She is still a ways off from snowball fights, well, not if Taylor has anything to say about it!


Here we go... said...

What a beautiful day with the family. I hope your birthday was more than fabulous!!!

Brinker Business said...

I still haven't eaten there we should go up sometime. You make it look like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Not bad pizza there in Ned...the best? Giordano's Pizza in downtown Chicago. Wow!

Ned is one of my favorite places now. I love working at Eldora. I'm a closet hippie, so I fit in well up there. Too bad I don't have the hair to match.