Friday, December 01, 2006

We have so much to be Thankful for...

I was thankful for a sweet husband who brought me flowers Thanksgiving morning
I am thankful for fun kiddos
We were thankful to have such an amazing family, and thankful that we could celebrate with so many of them.
Jocey is thankful for a brother who loves to entertain her, so is Mom.
We are most thankful for our heavenly Father, who provides for us all that we need and so much more, who sent his Son to die for our sin so we could be with Him in Heaven, and who we can have a personal relationship with Him that gives us a great purpose for our lives, to enjoy Him!


samantha said...

what a cute family- I can't wait to see you guys!!!! I love Taylor's hair, by the way. Tell him I said so. :)

Kristin said...

I love to hear people, especially friends, saying what they're thankful for...beautiful flowers!